
Healthy Pets New Zealand

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Healthy Pets New Zealand

We're dedicated to improving the

Health and Welfare

of dogs and cats, so they live long and happy lives.

It’s obviously a win-win for them and for us pet parents who call them family. This commitment is shared by Healthy Pets New Zealand – a charity we’re the Principal Partner for.

Established by the New Zealand Veterinary Association’s Companion Animal Branch in 1998, Healthy Pets New Zealand is on important mission:
To draw attention to the ‘big health and welfare issues of Kiwi pets’.

It does this by funding research into pet health and wellbeing that allows the veterinary industry to make advancements in veterinary medicine and enhance pet care.

As Healthy Pets New Zealand says:

“Having PD Insurance as a Principal Partner allows us to focus more on what we’re here to do - research that helps make a difference to what vets do in practice every day, helping Kiwi pets. Our vision is to lead the advancement of companion animal health and wellbeing in New Zealand. The government doesn’t fund companion animal research, so we rely on organisations like PD Insurance that share our values and support our work.”

When you support PD Insurance you support Healthy Pets New Zealand.

Check out their research work and consider donating too.

Read our blog