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If you’re wondering how to heal a dog’s broken nail that’s one thing. If, however, the nail in question is further up their foot then your dog has a broken dew claw, which is a bit more serious. A dew claw injury exposes a bundle of nerves and is extremely painful for your pup. What to do?
In this article we explain what a broken dew claw is. We also answer important questions such as whether it needs bandaging, can be treated at home or is an emergency.
Here’s what we’ve covered:
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What and where is a dog’s dew claw?
Just like humans have thumbs, some dogs have a fifth digit or dog thumb. This is called their dew claw. Not all dogs are born with dew claws, however, and those that are usually have them only on the front paws. The dew claw is on the inside of the foot and positioned slightly higher up, a lot like our thumbs.
Having said that, some dogs are born with dew claws on all four paws. This means four dew claws in need of protection. Because, as we’ve already mentioned, unlike the other nails the dew claw is more sensitive.
A broken dog dew claw deserves due respect and possibly vet attention.
Just like our thumbs help us grip, dew claws do the same for dogs and cats. That means they’re a bit more sticky-outy and therefore more prone to being torn. Inside the dew claw is a blood vessel called a quick. If your dog cracks or tears their dew claw the quick will bleed and be acutely sensitive.
Is a broken dog nail an emergency?
While a broken dog dew claw is unlikely to be an emergency it does mean your dog is in pain. It’s a good idea to make an appointment with your vet as soon as possible.
Speak to them beforehand on the phone or via email to let them know what condition your dog’s dew claw is in. Is it ripped or torn? Has any part broken off or is it dangling? If it is dangling, is it catching on things when your dog tries moving around?
These details are important to advise your vet in advance because they may simply sterilise and trim off the loose bit. However, a vet may recommend removing the dew claw altogether if it seems necessary based on the answers above and the degree to which it’s torn.
Dogs that repeatedly experience a broken dew claw are likely candidates for dew claw removal. The ongoing pain of having the quick exposed can be needless agony.
Will a broken dew claw heal itself?
If it’s a case of a broken dew claw that isn’t bleeding you may be able to treat your dog at home by clipping the broken part (but avoiding the pink quick). It’s still a good idea to speak to your vet before potentially doing this, and for advice on keeping the area clean and reducing any pain your dog may be experiencing.
However if your dog has a broken dew claw that’s bleeding then the quick and nerves inside have been exposed. This is basically raw nerves exposed, which can hurt just from the breeze. Let alone contact with objects when your dog moves around.
Ideally your dog should see a vet to help heal the broken dew claw nail. They’ll be able to properly clean it, stop the bleeding and treat it. Your vet may need to remove the nail (it grows back by itself). Then they’ll bandage your dog’s dew claw and likely prescribe pain medication.
Depending on the dew claw treatment, antibiotics could be part of the mix to prevent infection from setting in.
Always remember to include your dog's dew claw when trimming their nails. Here's more on routine pet care.
Should I bandage my dog’s broken dew claw?
A few days after broken dog dew claw treatment your vet will need to see your pup to remove the bandages and potentially place new ones. They may recommend a dog sock to keep your pet’s paw and/or bandage clean as it heals further.
Keeping this clean and dry is an important part of recovery from an injured dew claw. If moisture or dirt gets trapped in the material then infection can easily set in. Like any wound, a dew claw injury needs to stay clean while it’s on the mend.
Now you know more about how to heal a dog’s broken dew claw nail, there’s something else worth knowing… The soft landing of pet health insurance for these types of unexpected accidents – more on this below.
Pet insurance for all kinds of accidents
You never know when something unexpected like a dew claw injury is just around the bend. As you can imagine the cost of cleaning, treating, surgery and prescription medication can all mean a dip in your savings. Some pet injuries and illnesses can mean a whopping big dip!
However, if you have dog insurance it helps you pay for many pet health costs like these unexpected vet visits. Just like human health insurance, your pet’s plan costs a small amount each month but can be a serious soft landing when they get into a pickle.
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