cat with ringworm needs treatment to get rid of the fungal infection

How to Get Rid of Ringworm in Cats


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In recent years “contagious” has been a big watchword for all of us. When it comes to ringworm in cats this nasty little word pops up again. For example, how long is ringworm in cats contagious and how can you get rid of ringworm (before it spreads)!?

In this article PD answers these questions and many more. We explain how to identify whether your cat has ringworm by recognising the symptoms. We’ll also explain how it spreads and related risks to guard against. Thankfully, with the right information you can halt this pesky little itch in its tracks. Here’s what to expect:

owner strokes kitten

How do you know if your cat has ringworm?

Like in humans, ringworm in cats is a fungal infection of the skin that causes a circular rash. Unfortunately, it’s harder to identify in cats than in humans thanks to their fur.

Excessive grooming is a symptom of ringworm in cats but given they spend half the day grooming anyway, this could go under the radar as regular preening. So how can you tell?

A good way is to regularly groom your cat yourself. Routine pet care by combing your cat’s fur allows you to see any changes like rashes or lumps and bumps in the skin. If you notice them grooming one area repetitively, do a closer inspection of their skin.

The sooner you get rid of your cat’s ringworm the better, which is why you should regularly check their fur and skin. Not only does this help you help them stay healthy but it’s a great way to bond too.

owner checks for signs of ringworm in cat by combing fur to see the skin

Signs of ringworm in cats

Ringworm in cats can present in several ways. Get familiar with these signs so you have a better chance of spotting (and treating) the infection early on.

Here’s what to look out for:

  • Broken hairs
  • Changes to hair colour
  • Changes to skin colour
  • Crusty or scaly skin
  • Dandruff
  • Excessive grooming
  • Excessive scratching
  • Hair loss in little circular patterns
  • Inflamed skin
  • Infection of the nail bed and/or claws
  • Lesions

Identifying and getting rid of ringworm in cats as soon as possible is hugely important. Not only is ringworm in cats highly contagious but it can put immense strain on your cat’s immune system.

two cats sit staring at one another while sitting on a garden wall

How does a cat catch ringworm?

Cats may be exposed to ringworm when coming into contact with other cats with it. They can also get it by touching a human or dog with ringworm or simply being around a surface that has ringworm spores on it.

Ringworm spores can live on surfaces like bedding, carpets and furniture. This means ringworm can spread between household pets who share the same toys or bedding, even if they don’t come into direct contact.

Another way could be when your cat visits a cattery where another cat has ringworm. Ringworm in cats is highly infectious so it can easily spread between animals in close contact.

Can humans get ringworm from cats?

Can humans get ringworm from cats? The answer is yes. Several types of fungi cause ringworm infections and both Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum canis can spread between cats and humans.

However, just like with cats, ringworm in humans is can be treated at home with prescription medication.

ringworm in cat is contagious and spreads to owner

How contagious is ringworm from a cat?

Ringworm from a cat, dog or human is highly contagious. The fungal spores can live for a long time on surfaces and remain dormant until they come into contact with a host.

As far as how long ringworm spores can survive on surfaces, the answer is TOO LONG! Ringworm spores can live dormant for as long as one-and-a-half years, waiting for a live host to help carry them around. That is so nasty and sneaky.

However, all that said, there are some natural barriers in place to ward off the pesky critter. For example, although direct contact with the spores can lead to infection, the fungus can’t penetrate a healthy skin barrier.
In other words, ringworm is more likely to infect a cat, dog or person whose skin is unhealthy or open in some way. And of course, getting rid of ringworm in cats won’t be needed if you can prevent it in the first place.

Read about pet nutrition which can play a significant role in keeping cats and dogs healthy.

How long is ringworm contagious in cats?

Ringworm in cats is contagious for about three weeks – if treated properly. Left untreated ringworm infection can last for half a year or more and spread.

Given that ringworm in cats is highly contagious this means it can further spread on a cat’s body and jump to other hosts as well.

Now that you know how long ringworm in cats can be contagious stopping it in its tracks is so important.

vet treats kitten to get rid of ringworm which is highly contagious in cats, dogs and humans

How do you get rid of ringworm on a cat?

The big question is, how to get rid of ringworm in cats? The first step is to take your cat to the vet for a diagnosis.


Your vet can perform several tests to see which type of fungus is causing the ringworm infection and gauge how aggressive the infection is.

Treatment plan

The next step to get rid of ringworm in cats is the treatment plan. Usually this will include a three-pronged approach:

  1. Topical treatments. Vets will prescribe topical treatments such as anti-fungal pet shampoos, dips and ointments for any open lesions.
  2. Oral medication. This will be fortified with prescription anti-fungal oral medicine.
  3. Environmental management. Disinfection (using a pet safe product) of surfaces, grooming supplies, toys and bedding.

The duration of treatment varies depending on the type and extent of the infection. Treatment last up to one and half months at times. During the initial two to four weeks your vet may recommend you quarantine your cat from other pets and household members.

It's important to complete treatment to avoid reinfection or the furthering of existing infection and spread to others. 
owner pets cat after getting rid of ringworm

Get award winning cat insurance

Now that you know how to get rid of ringworm in cats and how long it can be contagious what about planning in advance? Having a cat insurance plan can help you pay for unexpected vet visits. It can help cover costs for certain diagnostic tests and prescription medication.

Just like human healthcare, vet care also relies on specialised knowledge, skills, and facilities. That’s why it can be costly. Thankfully when you have pet insurance to help cover these costs, you can worry about your cat more and the costs less!

PD insurance gives you one or more months of free pet insurance when you buy a pawlicy online. Click below to get your quote today.

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