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Ready to fill your feed with the coolest felines on social media? We’ve compiled five a-meow-zing cat Instagram accounts from New Zealand and the world because they may just be the purrrfect additions to your A-lister friend list… If you’re not already following them of course. 😊
From Kiwi fur glams to global business entrepreneur cats, here’s the scoop on five cat Instagram accounts we love.
Tell us about your cat Instagram accounts too!
Pssst…if your cat Instagram account isn’t listed here, not to worry. Share your cat’s Insta handle in the comments below and we’ll be your fan. And remember to follow us as well.
Now let’s check out these five feline-alicious social media accounts.
1. @eviemac_cats for a Kiwi cat fam
Evie Mcintyre is a Kiwi cat mum whose five fabulous felines are model social media icons. With their gorgeous long, lush fur they’re sure to be the envy of every cat model out there and they’re homegrown!
This cat fam consists of trio Charlie, Lulu and Harley. And if you scroll back in time, further down there’s Chester and Spencer too. Chester and Spencer might no longer be with us, but they’ll be lovingly remembered forever on the Insta grid. These two meowsers lived ‘til the ripe old age of 16 and 14 years respectively (happy healthy cats).
And back onto today’s post stars, Charlie is a moggy while Lulu and Harley are Ragdoll rescues. If ever there was a family of catwalk models, this is it. Hooray for New Zealand cats!
(Read more about Ragdolls as one of the friendliest cat breeds.)
2. @cats_of_instagram for worldwide cat stardom
This Insta account features videos and snaps that cat parents send in from anywhere in the world. This account has a staggering 12.3 million followers. So, if you’re aiming to turn your cat into an instant A-lister, use #catsofinstagram when posting.
Eli and Kady are the team of two who run the account. Every day they select their favourite posts with the hashtag #catsofinstagram to feature on the account. Eli started Cats of Instagram for fun, and Kady joined him two years after. Kady also happens to be mum to the world famous cat Pudge.
Speaking of Pudge, let’s check out her Instagram account too…
3. @pudgethecat for a cat entrepreneur
Let’s start with Pudge’s Instagram tagline “I’m a girl and my moustache is more fabulous than yours.” Need we say more… but of course, it’s too good not to! When Kady got laid off from her job, she started a new business with the best business partner – Pudge, her cat.
Kady started out by doing photoshoots with Pudge, which quickly caused a social media stir. The fame game steamrolled and Pudge was suddenly being featured in magazine and adverts. Did we mention Pudge also has her own cooking show, called Pudge’s baking show? Yes, really.
We’ll leave you with that tasty note.
4. @pudge_and_pixie_wildfire for sibling (un)rivalry
Pudge (another Pudge of course) and Pixie are shorthair Persians who are also siblings, cute! These Kiwi cats live in Kauri and each has their own huge caternalities. Sister Pixie is a blue tabby while brother Pudge is a bi-colour tabby.
These twins love sitting and sleeping in bags, boxes, cupboards, cat houses, sofas and keep time in their schedule for sleeping on the bed too. These cute flat-faced cats are indoor cats and happy that their humans work from home, so they can sleep on their laps whenever the mood hits.
5. @griff.nz for a cool Kiwi tomcat
Griff is a Kiwi tomcat decked out in a ginger and white fur coat. Although he’s an Instagrammer, he’s pretty much a laid back kinda guy. You know those Hollywood actors who act all calm and laid back when people recognise them in the street? This is Griff’s mode too, and boy does it suit him.
On a normal day, Griff likes sleeping in boxes or baskets and staring out of his favourite window. Also, he likes being cute, so he generally tries to make sure the boxes and baskets are really, really, small, yet somehow still fit at least half his body inside.
You don’t need to ask him is chocolate toxic to dogs and cats – he just poses with chocolate, he’s not really going to eat it and ruin his iconic figure!
Social media cats need pet insurance too!
Imagine if your favourite cat instagrammers feed suddenly went cold. No more photos and no more videos. You’d be devastated. That’s why even social media stars need pet insurance, so they can get the attention they deserve when they most need it. And by attention, in this case we mean medical attention rather than fandom.
Cat insurance helps lower the costs of non-routine vet visits and even more serious things like hospitalisation and medication. Plus, if you sign up with us online PD Insurance will give you one or more months of free cat insurance!
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