Is this French Bulldog one of the best dog breeds to take to the office?

Tips For Taking Your Dog to Work


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Ditching the “No Pets Allowed” sign and welcoming a happy, relaxed dog 🐶 into the office can benefit everyone, boosting morale and reducing stress levels. In this article, you’ll find tips for taking your dog to work, know-how for persuading your boss, steps to pet proof your workspace, and the answer to the most frequently asked question: ‘what’s the best dog breed to take to the office?’

Get ready for Take Your Dog to Work Day in June and any day, really, with these top tips…

What's the best dog breed to take to the office? It would be easier for a relaxed, calm dog like this one to adjust to your working environment.

Did you know this about taking a dog to work?

Despite employers’ worries that pets in the workplace can be distracting, research by leading pet food company, Purina, found 45% of people who bring pets to the office say the working atmosphere is more relaxed. 😃

Closer to home, PD Insurance recently ran a survey of nearly 800 New Zealand pet parents that found they’re almost universally in favour of welcoming pooches into workplaces. 99% gave it an enthusiastic thumbs up as being beneficial. OK, no big surprises there.

When asked what they see as the benefits of dogs in the workplace, respondents chose lifting team morale (78%), making the day more entertaining (75%), calming the workplace vibe (73%), assisting team bonding (56%), and improving team engagement (48%), among other benefits.

Plenty of people, especially those who work from home, are accustomed to having a dog in the workplace. Many others would go to quite some length to work alongside theirs – our research found almost one third of respondents (30%) whose workplace doesn’t allow pets are willing to take a pay cut for a BYOD policy!

Keep reading for tips on how to make taking your happy and relaxed dog to work a success for you, your coworkers and your pooch.

Get your employer’s buy-in

It may be hard to believe, but some people aren’t all that fond of dogs. They could have a fear of dogs (known as cynophobia), while others might not be able to be around animals due to allergies. 

It’s important that you discuss this with your employer and coworkers beforehand and even suggest creating dog-free zones in the office. This way everyone feels comfortable.

A poodle at an office desk

How to persuade your boss?

These three key reasons will hopefully persuade your employer to let Fido accompany you to work.

Employee wellness

Dogs are usually full of energy and character, and can make anyone laugh or smile (even Dwight Schrute!). As a result, team morale skyrockets and the workplace becomes more positive, making office hours far more enjoyable.

The act of simply petting a pooch releases oxytocin into the bloodstream, making the petter and pettee feel good.

Stress relief

According to a study from Virginia Commonwealth University, workers who bring their pets to work are much less stressed than those who don’t bring their pets to work.

Another study, conducted by Deakin University, found having an animal in the office can improve mental health and benefit both the pet parent and their colleagues. Having a dog around also helps diffuse tension (especially when someone keeps on taking your labelled yoghurt from the office fridge) and calms people down. As a result, work is more enjoyable and productive.

Employee morale

According to a Blue Cross survey, more than 90% of companies who allow dogs at work have seen a positive change in their office, with 67% reporting an improvement in employee morale.

As their social nature often influences how humans behave, work pups can also strengthen relationships between colleagues. In an office where communication is low, your happy and relaxed dog can be a great way to break the ice and get people talking.

Blonde lanky dog sits on grey dog bed below pot plant filled window

When you take your dog to work, safety is key

Some workplace environments may not be safe for your furry friend. Cables and cords can be hazardous, as can rubbish bins, heavy equipment and chemicals. The last thing you want is for your dog or colleagues to get sick or injured, so make sure you do some scouting beforehand.

How to pet proof your office space:

  • Put away your pens, highlighters, markers and anything else small enough for your dog to choke on. It should all be off limits. Since you know your pup better than anyone, you’ll know if they’re likely to eat something they shouldn’t.
  • Make sure that garbage cans within your dog’s reach are empty because they love to raid them. The last thing you want to deal with is a smug pup with a mouthful of shredded paper and a belly full of used tissues!
  • You also don’t want a bored dog because they’ll sniff out trouble before you can count 1-2-3. Really, they do this to keep themselves stimulated. Make sure your dog has something to chew on, like their favourite toy or a chewable treat.
  • Many offices have sweets or other foods within reach, and plenty of them are harmful to dogs. Peanut butter with xylitol and chocolate, for instance, are toxic for pups, so keep them away.

Here’s a video with Dr Cath on the dangers of chocolate toxicity in dogs and cats:

Be prepared

Even the most well-behaved and social dogs can become uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings. Why not take some of their favourite things to work with you to help them feel right at home. We suggest bringing their dog bed/blanket, plenty of food and treats (for good boys and girls), toys and water bowl.

You may also want to take your dog around the office and introduce them to your coworkers. Bonus if they can shake hands – plus any other pooches that have come to visit. This should help make your dog feel happy and relaxed… or perhaps even more excited… Hmmm. 

It’s really fun and interesting for Fido to meet new people, but it can also be overwhelming. Set up a designated comfort zone in your workspace if your canine starts getting anxious.

You’re responsible for their wellbeing

It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of having your furry friend at work with you, but always remember that you’re responsible for their wellbeing (hence the need for pet insurance). 

Make sure they’re happy and safe throughout the day, and that someone familiar is there to look after them just in case you have to duck into a meeting.

If your work doesn’t have a pets policy organised you can be the one to spearhead this idea, bringing some tail wagging goodness to your office. And who knows, you may find some more dog fans in your coworkers! 

You can ensure your dog is happy and relaxed at work like this one by pet proofing your workspace.

Take them for walks

While your workplace may not be your favourite place on earth, we bet your dog will be pretty excited. So, it’s a good idea to give them some exercise to burn off some energy before heading in.

Read this article ‘10 Tips for Safe Trips to the Dog Park in New Zealand‘ if you’re planning on visiting a dog park before heading in to work. It’ll help ensure a stress-free and injury-free experience.

Make sure you also schedule frequent walks throughout the workday. Get your pup moving, give them toilet breaks and you’ll no doubt enjoy each other’s company!

What is the best dog breed to take to the office?

According to research findings by The Kennel Club, the best dog breeds to take to the office are Poodles, Cocker Spaniels, and Vizslas. Apparently Vizslas are one of the best dog breeds to take to the office since they’re friendly, affectionate, and quiet. German Shepherds and Great Danes also made the list because they’re both easy to train and well-behaved.

Here are the top 13 office-friendly dog breeds:

  1. Vizslas
  2. Great Dane
  3. German Shepherd
  4. Maltese
  5. Schnauzer
  6. Poodle
  7. Cocker Spaniel
  8. Labrador
  9. Beagle
  10. Golden Retriever
  11. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  12. Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  13. Pug

Need some more know-how before bringing pup along? Read our ‘10 New Dog Breeds to Celebrate Take Your Dog To Work Day‘ article.

Auburn coloured dog sits on grey sunbed with a smile next to a plant

About Take Your Dog To Work Day

Yes, it’s actually a thing. All around the world on a day in late June (actual date depends on year) people celebrate ‘Take Your Dog to Work Day’! Check out all the scientifically-proven benefits in our Bring Your Dog to Work Day article.

Take Your Dog To Work Day was created in 1999 by Pet Sitters International to celebrate the great companionship dogs provide and to promote adoption. In support of local pet communities, employers are encouraged to experience the joys of pets in the workplace for one day.

There’s no doubt your happy and relaxed dog will be the ⭐ of the office. You’ll be itching to upload adorable pics at the end of the working day. If you don’t have an Insta account yet or are having trouble coming up with cute captions to use, check out this ‘Meet These Famous Dogs of Instagram and Create Your Own!‘ article for tips and ideas.

Insure the office-friendly doggo in your life

Our award-winning dog insurance helps protect your finances after accidents and when other injuries and illnesses strike. Wherever you are in New Zealand, whichever qualified vet you choose.

PD Insurance takes the stress away by enabling you to make fast, care-based health decisions and paying your claim quickly. Plus, if you’re a new customer we’ll give you one or more months free when you sign up online.

Click below to get started.

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