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“Can dogs eat… bananas, strawberries, apples, blueberries, tomato (the list goes on)…?” Finding out what human food is good for dogs is one of the top pet-related internet searches in New Zealand, along with “what can dogs not eat?”
In New Zealand alone, Kiwis punch the “can dogs eat [insert human food]?” question into our phones and computers a whopping 62,150 times a month. And it’s no wonder…
a) Dogs will eat anything and b) We love sharing everything with our dogs!
Not all human foods are dog safe, so you’re right to be searching info about it. The potentially serious risk to their health is why this PD Insurance article provides the lowdown on 20 of the most asked about human foods. Check them out, or simply toggle to the ones you’re most interested in learning about.
In this article
- What human foods can dogs eat?
- Can dogs eat bananas?
- Can dogs eat strawberries?
- Can dogs eat apples?
- Can dogs eat pineapple?
- Can dogs eat cheese?
- NO! Dogs can’t eat grapes… or raisins
- Can dogs eat watermelon?
- And popcorn?
- Can dogs eat broccoli?
- Can dogs eat mango?
- Can dogs eat peanuts?
- Can dogs eat peanut butter?
- Can dogs eat bread?
- Can dogs eat Feijoas?
- Is cauliflower safe for dogs?
- Can dogs eat honey?
- Are apricots OK for our furry friends to eat?
- Can dogs eat dragon fruit?
- What about raw fish?
- Can dogs eat Marmite?
- More fun foody information for pets
- Dog insurance for a ‘can do’ approach pet protection
What human foods can dogs eat?
There’s clearly a whole lotta interest in what human foods dogs can and can’t eat. It’s obviously a natural question for us dog owners to ask. You name it and our dogs have probably eaten it. With and without our consent.
Read about these PD Pets that ate stuff (not always food) they shouldn’t have and had to be rushed to the vet:
- Every Schnauzer Has His Story – Here’s Harvey’s
- Piper Gets a Soft Landing After Rat Bait Scare
- Hazelnut’s Story (My Dog Ate My Pills What Should I Do?)
- The Tail of Two Kiwi Labrador Puppies
As you can see, accidental ingestion is a top health concern for dogs. In fact, gastro, diarrhoea, foreign body ingestion, poison ingestion and vomiting were numbers three to seven on our top pet insurance claim types last year. The highest amount in vet bills we saw for gastro came to a whopping $12,630!
Each of these health issues can relate to dogs eating human foods that aren’t pet safe. Thankfully many human foods ARE safe for dogs. Find out below which ones makes healthy treats and dog dish ingredients and which ones to avoid, starting with the top internet search… “can dogs eat bananas!?”
Can dogs eat bananas?
Yes, dogs can eat bananas. Bananas aren’t just tasty; they’re a healthy snack that dogs can eat, packed with potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. They’re a fantastic alternative to fatty or salty snacks, and dogs will enjoy eating bananas because they also aid in digestion thanks to all that fibre.
Just remember, moderation is key because of the sugar content. Dogs can eat bananas, but always be sure to monitor their intake and avoid feeding them the peel. Banana peels aren’t meant for doggy palates, as they may cause digestive problems.
Can dogs eat strawberries?
Yes! After “can dogs eat bananas?” the next most Googled human food is strawberries, which dogs can gobble up without any worries. With loads of vitamins, fibre, and antioxidants, strawberries are like little health bombs for your pup.
But like with any tasty treat, don’t overdo it. If your dog eats strawberries then keep the portions small to avoid tummy troubles. When you introduce strawberries to your pup, keep an eye out for any signs of allergies or digestive issues.
And don’t forget the prep work! Always wash those strawberries well, pluck out the stem, chop the fruit up into munchable pieces and stick to fresh ones. Canned or preserved strawberries may contain way too much of sugar or artificial ingredients that are toxic.
Can dogs eat apples?
Turns out an apple a day keeps the vet at bay too! Another juicy snack you and your perfect pooch can both eat. Just avoid letting bow-wow consume the apple core. Although the apple flesh is great for digestion thanks to its fibre, the seeds on the other hand aren’t safe as they contain cyanide.
Also, the core could be a choking hazard so remove it first. Read about choking hazards and accidental ingestion here and get your top tips for animal CPR.
Oh, and it’s worth mentioning that apples can help your dog’s teeth and gums stay cleaner and healthier. Combine that and regular dog teeth cleaning and you’re away.
And did you know our Deluxe dog insurance plan includes dental cover too? That’s goodbye tooth and gum problems and hello sparkly whites.
Can dogs eat pineapple?
Pineapple is weird and wonderful at the best of times. Us humans eat it happily until it starts to burn our tongues. Legend has it that this prickly fruit can actually induce labour (don’t quote us on that, we’re not sure either). So can dogs eat pineapple? Yes!
Pineapple isn’t exactly a food your doggo craves or anything like that. But its wholesome fruitiness is packed with goodness. In fact you could, on occasion, even replace regular dog treats with a bit of pineapple. Feel free to blend into a dog smoothie or crush and freeze until soft-but-firm enough for dog sorbet.
If your dog doesn’t like it, don’t force the issue. And like any fruit, limit intake to avoid an upset stomach.
Also be sure all of the peel and hairs from the peel are well removed to avoid irritation – just like you would for your fellow humans.
Can dogs eat cheese?
Cheese is a bit of a grey area. It’s not exactly toxic, but sometimes dogs are lactose intolerant or have allergic reactions. Your pet’s digestive tract may not be happy processing milk from a great big cow.
Not to mention milk often contains the hormones and antibiotics fed to cows to keep them from getting sick. These additives can also affect your dog’s stomach. Of course all this applies to lots of humans too!
All that said, if you find your dog has no adverse reactions, a small piece of occasional cheese can be a treat.
What about fancy cheeses – can dogs eat blue cheese for example? No, dogs can be highly sensitive to the cultures used to make blue cheese. It produces a substance called roquefortine C, which can affect dogs by causing diarrhoea, vomiting and in some cases even seizures. Read about seizures and Beagle epilepsy here.
The rule of thumb, or rather, the rule of cheese is to only feed your dog tiny amounts of plain cheese. That means no cheeses with added ingredients like onions, herbs or garlic.
BTW, if you ever wonder how to give medicine to your puppy, know cheese can be a good way to disguise it.
NO! Dogs can’t eat grapes… or raisins
If you’re wondering can dogs eat grapes, the answer is a big fat NO! When it comes to answering “what can dogs not eat?” grapes are high up on the list. You might think grapes fit right into a fruit cocktail along with watermelon and apples, but they simply don’t for dogs.
However innocent grapes may seem, they are in fact poisonous to pets and in the same vein so are raisins.
Even a single grape or raisin can be cause for a visit to the vet. Refer back to our PD Pets stories list up top of this article and in particular what happened to Harvey the Schnauzer when he accidentally got hold of a single runaway grape.
Can dogs eat watermelon?
Watermelon is a family favourite in many Kiwi households. It stands to reason you want to include your pooch in the tastebud fun. But can dogs eat watermelon? Provided you remove the seeds, they can.
Given that’s a bit of an arduous task, you can always opt for seedless watermelons for the whole family. Watermelon is jam-packed with goodness. It includes vitamins, potassium, electrolytes and antioxidants.
And popcorn?
To be on the safe side it’s a no. Technically speaking plain popcorn that’s air-popped can be safe for El Poocho. However, this needs to be a rare snack and absolutely 100% free of toppings.
From butter to salt to salt to MSG, the flavoursome toppings laden on top of popcorn are generally bad for pets. Read about other common household things you might not realise can be harmful to pets.
Next time you’re binge-watching The Cuphead Show on Netflix and you drop a few bits of popcorn on the rug, your dog will probably mop them faster than you can stop him. Not to worry, just don’t make it a habit is all.
Can dogs eat broccoli?
So clearly some greens are good and others are bad. But can dogs eat broccoli (please let it be a yes)! You’re in luck, provided it’s cooked you can give your pup broccoli. Well some parts of it anyway…
The florets (or treetops) and the stalks affect your dog’s tummy in different ways. If your pooch eats too much of the florets these can cause a tummy upset. So by all means, make broccoli dog treats, but do limit how much and how often you give your dog these greens.
Be sure to cut the broccoli into small pieces to avoid choking and to make digestion smoother.
While we’re on the topic of greens, find out why dogs eat grass and get familiar with these poisonous plants for dogs and cats.
Can dogs eat mango?
Although “Can dogs eat bananas?” is the most Googled fruit, mango makes it on the list too. And yes, dogs can eat mango though be sure to remove the seed and skin. Mango makes another fruitful addition to your dog’s diet. If they like it, it’s an interesting addition to their healthy fresh snacks.
It’s got fibre and vitamins but like all fruit just don’t overdo it. You want the fruit to stay in. Too much too often or too fast will see it going in and coming out the other end just as fast. That’s no fun for your dog or you!
Can dogs eat peanuts?
Yes, dogs can eat peanuts BUT not all of the types.
Apparently, the dry roasted variety are the best ones for your fur kid’s health, though you need to shell them first. Like any food and dogs, you also need to avoid seasonings and other additionals that make the nuts tastier but can cause a whole lot of drama for your dog’s system. Herbs and spice aren’t all things nice for our canines.
Can dogs eat peanut butter?
Where things can get especially sticky is with peanut butter. Depending on brand, this can have several ingredients that create issues with dogs’ health, with the top culprit being xylitol. An artificial sweetener, xylitol can cause vomiting, drooling, lethargy, and seizures.
Find out more about xylitol toxicity then bookmark it on your “what can dogs not eat” list.
Peanut butter is also high in fat and sodium, two things that should be eaten in moderation by pets and humans alike. Can dogs eat peanut butter? Probably best to steer clear and focus on 100% safe foods.
Can dogs eat bread?
Many of us love bread (and peanut butter) so it figures we’d be curious as to if this is a human food combo our dogs can eat. And the answer is a simple yes!
Many of us probably ask ourselves this very same question: Can we eat bread? Is X amount bread good for us? And so on. Turns out, your answer applies to pooch too.
Although bread isn’t harmful to your dog, it doesn’t provide them with any goodness either. For this reason, it’s best to avoid adding sandwiches to their diet. BTW, while we’re on the topic of bread, if you’re big on spreads, you might also want to read can dogs eat Vegemite for a detailed answer.
Another hot note worth remembering is that raw dough (home chefs, listen up!) contains yeast that hasn’t been cooked. If your dog eats raw dough or yeast on its own it can cause a bloated sore tummy known as bread dough toxicosis.
Can dogs eat Feijoas?
If you’re wondering whether dogs can eat feijoas (also called pineapple guava), you’re not alone. According to Google Trends, this is a top question Kiwis are searching. In short, the answer to this question is not a clean yes or no.
While some say the ripe flesh of this sweetish bitter fruit is fine in moderation, the seeds and peel along with any leaves and stems must first be removed. All these parts contain cyanide, which is a no-no for your dog. As with any human foods, if you’re unsure whether or not to give your dog this fruit, check in with your vet who knows your pup’s health status, history, age and more.
Is cauliflower safe for dogs?
Can dogs eat cauliflower? The answer is yes! Cauliflower has great health benefits for dogs, just as it does for us humans thanks to its myriad of vitamins and minerals. (A word of caution: Dogs benefit from the goodness of cauliflower, but don’t overdo it or they may start letting off more hot air than normal).
If you’re looking after a fat or obese dog, cauliflower can be a great non-fattening snack. Plus it’s so easy because you can give your pup bits of this vegetable whether raw or cooked.
Can dogs eat honey?
Can dogs eat honey? The sweet answer is yes, though if your dog is diabetic then first check with your vet whether this is safe. Diabetes in dogs and cats should be taken care of as carefully as possible.
Not only can dogs eat honey, but honey can be great for dog gut health, when given in moderation.
How much honey can dogs eat? Good question. Here’s the answer… About a quarter teaspoon for small dogs, half to one teaspoon for medium sized dogs, two teaspoons for large dogs and up to a tablespoon for giant dogs.
Are apricots OK for our furry friends to eat?
Can dogs eat apricots? A few tasty bits of well prepared apricot every now and then can be great for your dog. What do we mean by well-prepared? Dogs can eat apricots provided you remove the seed, stem and any leaves, which all can be poisonous to pets.
Not only is the seed a serious choking hazard for dogs but they also contain cyanide. Dogs can eat fresh apricot and dried. The antioxidants, vitamins and minerals can be good for dogs if you give them a tasty piece on occasion.
Can dogs eat dragon fruit?
Yes, they can! It’s low-fat, low-cal, and loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, making it a paw-some snack choice. Think strong bones, hydration, boosted immunity, and happy joints. But hey, remember the golden rule: everything in moderation! Overdoing it can lead to tooth decay or tummy troubles.
Oh, and one more thing: make sure to peel off that skin before offering it to your dog. The skin isn’t edible and may cause digestive upset. So, keep the dragon fruit as a fun treat, not an everyday snack.
What about raw fish?
If you’re thinking of feeding your dog raw fish, the general rule of thumb is don’t. Raw fish quickly becomes a habitat for bacteria like salmonella. Fish might seem fresh and look fine but if your dog eats it and becomes sick then they and you will regret it. In short, sushi for dogs has not taken off because there’s no demand and no need.
If you’re here asking “can dogs eat raw fish?” because you’re looking for non-meat options, read “Can dogs eat beyond meat?” for more answers. While we’re on the topic of raw fish and meat, also be sure to find out what bones dogs can eat.
Can dogs eat Marmite?
We’ve already covered off bread and peanut butter so you may be wondering can dogs eat Marmite. This tasty spread is a household staple in many homes. A bit of Marmite spread on hot buttery toast has a solid stable of human fans. So what about dogs, can they too enjoy this yeasty spread?
Unfortunately, Marmite has a high salt content that isn’t any good for dogs. If you’re wondering about Vegemite, we’ve covered that off too, in our article “Can dogs eat Vegemite?”
More fun foody information for pets
Now you know what human foods dogs can eat (and some to go on the “what can dogs NOT eat list”), we’ve rounded up a wealth of useful, related pet food articles right here:
- Pet Nutrition 101
- Dry Cat Food vs Wet
- Pros and Cons of Raw Food for Puppies
- Our Top Tips for Great Dog Gut Health
Speaking of what can dogs not eat, having a safety net in place for those unexpected accidents when woof swallows a grape or something else (AirPod, socks, you name it) is a good idea.
Dog insurance for a ‘can do’ approach pet protection
Pet proofing your home is a great step to a safer environment for pets, well beyond the kitchen. So too is knowing what dangers can potentially poison your pet (like your dog eating peanut butter with xylitol). However, even with all the preparation in the world, accidents, injuries and illness can still happen now and again. Or plenty (some of us are unlucky!)
These are the times you want to know your pet insurance has your back and is giving your pet a soft landing. Our award winning pet insurance covers a multitude of pet health needs and saves your pocket the trouble. Plus, we’ll give you one or more months of FREE pet insurance when you join.
Click below to price a plan today – it’s easy, affordable and you can do it all online.
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