How Expensive Is Pet Insurance Really?

pet insurance isnt expensive, even for a dog and a cat like these two

We all love our pets and want to do our best by them. But when the word “insurance” crops up, people often assume it’s unaffordable and unnecessary. So how expensive is pet insurance, really? Will it break the bank or is it good value for money? You might be surprised to hear that pet insurance … Read more

What’s Your Pet Parenting Style?

this lady is a pet parent to two dogs and a cat and probably has ''the easy game" pet parenting style

Loving pet parents make decisions each and every day about what to feed, teach, and do with your pets. Did you know that these little decisions make up your overall pet parenting style? Just like how parents to human kids have different parenting styles which dictate the way they make decisions. The same applies to … Read more

New Zealand’s Top 5 Dog Breeds

Some of the top dogs in New Zealand play together

From the Beagle to the Huntaway, the Border Collie to Rottweilers, there’s a dog breed to suit just about everyone. But what are the top dog breeds in New Zealand? We already know Kiwis are a nation of animal lovers, and we wanted to find out exactly what dogs are our most-adored friends. That’s not … Read more

Sleeping with Your Cat – It’s Mutually Beneficial

This pet parent benefits from having her cat sleep in bed with her.

Sleeping with your cat or kitten can have enormous wellness benefits. But as with many parenting decisions, there are some drawbacks too. So, if you do decide to let your meow in bed with you when they’re still small, make sure it’s an informed decision. They won’t feel happy if you change your mind later… … Read more

Puppy Poop Etiquette: What You Should Know

This pet parent has brought her puppy poop etiquette kit with and is safely removing her pooch's poop,

There’s no puppy poop etiquette manual, but every new pup parent needs to know that there are some basic guidelines. Because no, it doesn’t matter that composting biodegradable matter is on-trend. You simply can’t rely on that as a logical excuse for leaving your puppy’s poop in the playground, on the park lawn or any … Read more

Puppy Proof Your House Like a Pro

A fluffy Siberian husky puppy, in a puppy-proof area, walking on grass with its tongue out.

Puppy proof your house before your cute puppy or puppies arrive home. That’s the rule of thumb because it’s near impossible to do so once your puppy arrives. And while puppies are a human’s best friend, they one of their fave things in life is to chew. Although your main objective in puppy proofing is … Read more